PharmTox students receive Hilldale Fellowships

Pharmacology-Toxicology undergraduates Sam Boroumand, Julia Chini, and Aaron Rottier were named 2017 Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship Awardees. All are juniors in the School’s Pharmacology and Toxicology Bachelor of Science Program. Their sponsoring faculty research hosts are Robert Thorne, assistant professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences (Boroumand); Anna Huttenlocher, professor, Pediatrics (Chini); and Warren Rose, associate professor, Pharmacy Practice (Rottier). The award provides $3000 to the student researcher and $1000 to offset research costs. Approximately 100 Hilldale awards are available annually to the campus community. Recipients will be formally recognized at the Chancellor’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony on May 1, 2017.