![Pictured above. Pre-lecture several of the Pharmaceutical Sciences faculty were on hand to welcome Dr. Khosla. Left-right: Jiaoyang Jiang, assistant professor, Lingun Li, professor, Dean Steve Swanson, Chaitan Khosla, Jason Kwan, assistant professor and faculty host, Sandro Mecozzi, associate professor, Tim Bugni, associate professor, Chuck Lauhon, associate professor and Vice Chair, and Weiping Tang, associate professor.](/wp-content/uploads/hutchinsonlecture-10-23-15-phar102315-002.jpg)
A near capacity attendance was on hand to hear Chaitan Khosla, the 2015-16 C. Richard Hutchinson Lecturer, present his talk entitled “Assembly Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide Antibiotics.”
Dr. Khosla is a professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Stanford University, and the founding Director of Stanford ChEM-H, an interdisciplinary institute that brings together chemists, engineers, biologists, and clinicians to understand life at a chemical level and apply that knowledge to improving human health.
The C. Richard Hutchinson Lecture is intended to celebrate and recognize careers dedicated to contemporary research and major advances in natural product discovery and development. From his research and new approaches for engineering of antibiotics, multiple patents, and significant role in several biotech companies, Dr. Khosla was an ideal selection for this year’s lecture.