Warren Heideman, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been awarded a 5-year competing renewal from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences for his long-running research on heart defects. The work will identify mechanisms …
Li awarded IEDR program grant
Lingjun Li, associate professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been awarded an Innovation and Economic Development Research (IEDR) grant from the UW-Madison Graduate School. These grants require collaboration with industry to bring an invention …
Yu among campus team to study crystal growth in glasses
Lian Yu, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, and collaborators in chemistry, chemical engineering and Abbott Laboratories, as an industrial partner, received funding from the National Science Foundation for a Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison …
Peterson receives best poster at inaugural symposium
Ryan Peterson, a third-year pharmaceutical sciences graduate student in the laboratory of Ben Shen, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division and Charles Johnson Chair in Pharmacy, won a “best poster” award at the inaugural David …
Collier is 2009 Kimmel Scholar Award recipient
Lara Collier, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been named a Kimmel Scholar by the Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research, one of 12 such awards given nationally in 2009.
Li and Kao receive 2009 Vilas Associate Award
Lingjun Li, associate professor, and W. John Kao, professor, both in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division were awarded the 2009 Vilas Associate Award.
Discovery speeds the development of antibiotics
The discovery of manipulation of a single gene can result in large amounts of platensimycin and platencin— two natural antibiotics.
Rose makes Pharmacotherapy top 10 list
Warren Rose, assistant professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, was an author on a pharmacotherapy manuscript that was among the top downloads in 2008. According to a report by the American College of Clinical …
Smanski to present at ASP annual meeting
Michael Smanski, graduate student, working under the guidance of Ben Shen, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been awarded a 2009 American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) travel grant attend to attend the ASP annual …
Extra genes protect against Parkinson’s disease
Research by Jeff Johnson, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, and UW-Madison colleagues Pei-Chun Chen, Marcelo Vargas and Delinda Johnson, impacts the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Drawing local and national attention, the study published in …