The School’s Professor Weiping Tang is the principal investigator on the project that won funding from the UW2020: WARF Discovery Initiative program.
As Pharmacy Evolves, PharmD Program Offers Rich Research Experiences
As part of a top-tier research university, the UW–Madison School of Pharmacy offers PharmD students substantive research exposure across various research areas.
Taking Cues From Nature to Unlock Pharmaceutical Potential
Assistant Professor Jason Kwan, in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, is researching microbialites in South Africa to unearth new pharmaceutical tools.
Searching the Sea, and Bacterial Battles, for New Antibiotics
The School’s Tim Bugni and Lingjun Li are using coculturing techniques to recreate aspects of real ecosystems to spur dormant and hidden antibiotic capacities into action.
Training Student Pharmacists to be Strong Critical Thinkers
Thanks to a longitudinal approach to teaching key skills, the School’s PharmD students have published more than 70 clinical inquiry papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Far From the Shire, a Hobbit Gets Its Name
Research Associate Sarah Neuman’s investigation into the hobbit mutation unlocks potential new ways to find human diabetes treatments.
3 Pharm-Tox Students Awarded Hilldale Fellowship
Pharm-Tox students Yusen Men, Charlotte Urban, and TongZhen Xie have been selected as Hilldale Fellowship awardees, which recognizes the significance of their research contributions.
Forecasting Antibiotic Resistance with a ‘Weather Map’ of Local Data
By showing where in the state resistance to particular drugs is highest, School of Pharmacy researchers aim to give physicians the tools they need to quickly and accurately choose the best antibiotic.
Sweetening the Process of Biomarker Discovery in Alzheimer’s Disease
Professor Lingjun Li is working to develop powerful tools to discover Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers to drive early detection, diagnosis, and treatment.
Zeeh Pharmaceutical Station Takes Drug Development to New Heights at UW–Madison School of Pharmacy
Since the Zeeh Station opened in 2003, its scientists have completed more than 550 projects, of which more than 60 were collaborations with on-campus researchers.