Eva Vivian, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, was awarded a $40,000 pilot grant from the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) for her proposal, “Utilizing Novel Interventions to Prevent Diabetes …
Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research
Research may help you breathe easier
The research work of Ron Sorkness, professor in the Pharmacy Practice Division, and colleagues from the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) has identified key physiological differences between severe and non-severe forms of the disease. The …
Flu shot may leave heart patients at risk
Orly Vardney, assistant professor (CHS) and lead investigator in the research study on influenza vaccine responses in heart failure patients, presented research findings at the American College of Cardiology meeting in Chicago in March. The …
Early detection can be key
Eva Vivian, associate professor in the Pharmacy Practice Division, and School of Pharmacy students raised awareness for youth diabetes by providing screenings for the first time at the annual Multicultural Health Fair as highlighted in …
Study concludes that severe asthma may be different
The research work of Ron Sorkness, professor in the Pharmacy Practice Division, and colleagues from the Severe Asthma Research Program (SARP) has identified key physiological differences between severe and non-severe forms of the disease. The …
Martin and Chui receive WUN grant
Beth Martin, assistant professor in the Pharmacy Practice Division and Michelle Chui, assistant professor in the Social and Administrative Sciences Division, have been awarded funding from the UW-Madison Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Seed Grant Program. …
Research focus is smoking cessation and diabetes
Eva Vivian, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, is co-investigator of a P-50 grant from the National Cancer Institute that will advance treatments for smokers with diabetes. “Engineering Effective Interventions for Tobacco Use: …
Course upgrade nets teaching innovation award
Robert Breslow, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, and Michelle Chui, assistant professor in the Social and Administrative Sciences Division, received the School of Pharmacy 2009 Teaching Innovation Award for their innovative revamping …
Fruit research linked to cancer chemoprevention
Jeremy Johnson, assistant scientist in the Pharmacy Practice Division, received funding from the National Cancer Institute to study xanothes in the mangosteen fruit and the anti-cancer properties on prostate cancer chemoprevention. The R03 project titled …
Can meditation or exercise ease respiratory infections?
Mary Hayney, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, is co-investigator on an NIH-funded grant to study the effects of meditation or exercise on respiratory infections and influenza vaccine response. Titled “Meditation and Exercise …