Faculty, staff, and fellow students were on hand to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduate students. Chuck Lauhon, associate professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies, was master of ceremonies. …
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Khosla is honored as C.R. Hutchinson Lecturer
A near capacity attendance was on hand to hear Chaitan Khosla, the 2015-16 C. Richard Hutchinson Lecturer, present his talk entitled “Assembly Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide Antibiotics.” Dr. Khosla is a professor in the Departments …
Kwan is recipient of 2015 ASP Research Starter Grant
Jason Kwan, assistant professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been awarded a research starter grant by The American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) for the investigation of novel biofilm inhibitors made by symbiotic bacteria living in marine …
Researchers return from annual ASP Conference
Pharmacognosy (“a branch of pharmacology dealing with medicinal substances of biological origin…”) according to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary) is receiving high attention in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division with the research of faculty members Tim Bugni, …
School launches new Med Chem Center
A key translational research initiative for Dean and Professor Steve Swanson is realized this July as the Medicinal Chemistry Center (MCC) of the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy is launched.
Tang awarded funding from WARF’s Accelerator Program
Weiping Tang, associate professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, will receive an award from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) Accelerator Program that supports his project titled “Small Molecule Inhibitors of PCSK9 Secretion – Phase …
deVilliers paper selected “Top Pick”
Melgardt de Villiers, professor (CHS) in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, is among the authors of a paper selected Editor’s Pick for the May issue of Expert Opinion of Drug …
Spring 2015 Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduates
Congratulations to the following students who successfully defended their dissertations: Yan Wang, under the supervision of Dr. May Xiong: Development of Nanotechnologies for Cancer and Iron Chelation Therapy. San Zeng, under the supervision of Dr. …
Kwan receives grant to study biofilm inhibitors
Jason Kwan, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been awarded a research starter grant from the American Society of Pharmacognosy. The grant will support Kwan’s research in the investigation of novel biofilm inhibitors …
Winston-McPherson named 2015 UNCF-Merck Graduate Science Research Fellow
Gabrielle Winston-McPherson, SciMed GRS Fellow and Research Assistant in the lab of Weiping Tang, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, has been selected to participate in the United Negro College Fund, Inc. (UNCF) and the Merck Company Foundation …