Senior Student Services Coordinators, Emily Tarter and Rebecca Beebe, along with Student Services Coordinator, Katy Tomlinson, from the school’s Student & Academic Affairs Office have been selected to present at the Wisconsin Academic Advising Association …
Homepage News Feature
3 most recent stories to be displayed on the SoP homepage.
Park recognized with best poster at APhA
Graduate student, Joohyun Park, working with Kevin Look, assistant professor in the Social & Administrative Sciences Division, received the best postgraduate poster at the 2017 APhA Annual Meeting in San Francisco in March.
Pizzo receives first place for podium presentation
Michelle Pizzo, graduate student studying with Robert Thorne, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, received the Best Podium Presentation Award
State’s first charitable pharmacy receives partnership award
The St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Charitable Pharmacy in Madison is among seven collaborations honored with a 2017 Community-University Partnership Award.
Walbrandt Pigarelli elected to statewide diabetes group
Denise Walbrandt Pigarelli, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, has been elected Vice-Chairman of the Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group (DAG).
Yu receives funding to further solids research
Public and private funds will further the research efforts of Lian Yu, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division. These new projects range from the diversity of crystal forms, to the development of a nano-coating technology
Golf event marks start of summer
Friends of the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy gathered for the second annual Pharmacy Alumni Association (PAA) & Wisconsin Society of Pharmacy Students (WSPS) Scholarship Golf Event on Friday, June 16, 2017.
Graduate students experience the legacy of the Land O’Lakes conference
Yutong “Tony” Tam, graduate student in the lab of Professor Glen Kwon, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, and Alexa Barres, a chemistry PhD candidate, working with Professor Sandro Mecozzi’s group, were among 10
Students recognize teaching excellence
Each spring students select a teacher of the year from each PharmD cohort year, Pharmacology & Toxicology program, and the Student Senate Teaching Excellence Award. The recipients for 2016-2017 and the event they were recognized …
Vivian launches new program with support of Baldwin mini-grant
The health of African American (AA) women is the focus of Peers Empowering Peers (PEP) a new program created by Eva Vivian, professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division is one of 18 projects to …