Dr. Allan Hoffman Professor Emeritus, Department of Bioengineering University of Washington, Seattle, will deliver the 2017 Busse Lectures on Thursday and Friday, September 14 and 15.
Homepage News Feature
3 most recent stories to be displayed on the SoP homepage.
Portillo’s COPD service to be implemented nationally
A COPD CARE (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Coordinated Access to Reduce Exacerbations) service developed by Ed Portillo, assistant faculty associate in the Pharmacy Practice Division, has been selected as a Clinical Pharmacy Practice Office (CPPO) …
Grad students give semester a running start
Several of the School’s graduate students completed the 2nd Annual Degree Dash, a fun run hosted by the Graduate School.
Bashirullah receives NIH R01 grant to study regulated exocytosis
Arash Bashirullah, associate professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, is the principal investigator of a new R01 award from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The $1.2M award will fund studies of exocytosis
Huang named 2017 Phi Tau Phi Scholar
Yen-Ming Huang, a graduate student working under the guidance of Olayinka Shiyanbola, assistant professor in the Social and Administrative Sciences Division, was awarded a 2017 Phi Tau Phi (PTP) Mid America Scholarship
Workforce research garners national attention
Christine Sorkness, Distinguished Professor of Pharmacy and Medicine (CHS) and ICTR Senior Associate Executive Director, is the senior author of a study to develop a new approach to diversifying the biomedical workforce
Students return to Rennebohm
Campus is abuzz and so too is Rennebohm Hall as faculty, staff, and fellow students welcome 143 Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students, 23 Pharmacology-Toxicology (PharmTox) undergraduates, and 28 individuals pursuing graduate degrees.
Golden and Fitz-Henley selected as trainer and participant for NIH Training Grant
The innovative research in virology and parasitology by the laboratory of Jennifer E. Golden, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division and Associate Director, Medicinal Chemistry Center, was a determining factor in recruiting her as …
Rough’s Webb Lecture to be published in upcoming journal
In 2016 the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) named Steve Rough, M.S., FASHP, Senior Director of Pharmacy, UW Health, and Clinical Associate Professor, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy, the recipient of the John W. Webb …
Thorne selected as president-elect of international CNS society
Robert Thorne, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, KL2 Scholar, University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, and Trainer, Neuroscience Training Program, Clinical Neuroengineering Training Program, and