CancelRx is the only tool that automatically alerts the pharmacy when a doctor discontinues a drug for a patient. Associate Professor Michelle Chui will study its effectiveness.
Homepage News Feature
3 most recent stories to be displayed on the SoP homepage.
High-Caliber Pharmacists Mentor UW–Madison PharmD Students
School honors Melissa Forbes and Rani Raju as top preceptors
Medicinal Chemistry Center Moves Drug Discovery Forward With Unparalleled Expertise
The early phase of drug discovery is seemingly straight-forward: screen molecules for biological activity, validate screening hits, design and synthesize novel drug molecules for testing in cells and animals. But while drug companies breeze through that process
New School of Pharmacy Leadership Certificate and Mentor Program Prepares Student Pharmacists for Career Success
To help PharmD students develop their communication and leadership skills, the UW–Madison School of Pharmacy has established a new Leadership Certificate and Mentor (LCM) program
University of Wisconsin–Madison and Capio Biosciences Collaborate on Pharmaceutical Sciences Research
Capio Biosciences, Inc., a cancer diagnostic biotech startup, is partnering with the University of Wisconsin–Madison on research that will further develop novel technology in cancer detection. The Research Service Agreement (RSA) will support the research of …
Jiang advances enzyme research with additional R01 award
Jiaoyang Jiang, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, is the principal investigator of a second R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study the critical role of a human enzyme (O-GlcNAcase)
Busse lectures continue to engage, challenge, and inspire
Faculty, staff, alumni, and students were in attendance to hear 2017 Busse Lecturer, Dr. Allan Hoffman Professor Emeritus, Department of Bioengineering University of Washington, Seattle, deliver presentations on
Mott is among experts for upcoming legislative briefing on falls prevention
Dave Mott, professor and Chair, Social and Administrative Sciences Division, is an invited speaker for The Evidence-Based Health Policy Project (EBHPP) roundtable on falls research by UW-Madison faculty and their teams.
Student leaders echo invite for annual fall picnic
On behalf of the Class of 2020, second year PharmD students Griffin Budde and Devin Jones are extending an invitation to all faculty, staff, and alumni to attend the upcoming picnic.
Golden delivers presentation at 2017 Med Chem Gordon Research Conference
Jennifer E. Golden, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division and Associate Director, Medicinal Chemistry Center, was selected to deliver a podium talk at the 2017 Medicinal Chemistry