An article authored by Glen Kwon, professor, in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, along with Tony Tam, PhD graduate student, and Jieming Gao, post-doctoral researcher, both members of his lab, was published online
Tang’s prolific publication pace is recognized by top journal
Weiping Tang, associate professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, and Co-Director of Medicinal Chemistry Center, was highlighted in the July 7, 2016 edition of “Angewandte Chemie International Edition.”
CDC grant allows Breslow to contribute expertise to STEADI initiative
Robert Breslow, associate professor (CHS), will serve as project contractor for a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to advise the CDC on medication-related fall prevention strategies, including recommending changes to …
Shiyanbola named Health Disparities Research Institute Scholar
Olayinka Shiyanbola, assistant professor in the Social and Administrative Sciences Division, was selected as a 2016 National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Health Disparities Research Institute Scholar. The aim of the Health …
Legenza develops antibiotic resistance survey for physicians
UW-Madison School of Pharmacy Global Health Fellow Laurel Legenza, identified a gap in the functionality of antibiotic resistant data and resources in Wisconsin. Antibiotic resistance is a growing global threat that has been highlighted nationally …
Mecozzi and Taylor awarded NIH R21 grant to explore fluorous nanoemulsions
Sandro Mecozzi, associate professor, will serve as Principal Investigator and Michael Taylor, assistant professor, Co-Investigator for a NIH R21 grant to develop biomaterials used to produce nanoemulsions
Gidal lends expertise to TalkAboutIt video series
Barry Gidal, Division Chair and Professor of Pharmacy and Neurology (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division is among a few experts invited to participate in videos addressing epilepsy.
Zorek’s research featured at National Academy of Medicine workshop
Joe Zorek, assistant professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, was an invited presenter at the National Academy of Medicine’s (formerly Institute of Medicine) recent Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education workshop.
Vermeulen honored with Donald E. Francke Medal
Lee Vermeulen, clinical professor in the Pharmacy Practice Division, and Director of the Center for Clinical Knowledge Management (CCKM), UW Health, was recently honored as the 2016 ASHP Donald E. Francke Medal recipient by the …
Taylor images highlight the beauty of science
Michael Taylor, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, was among only a dozen winners of the 2016 Cool Science Image Contest. Taylor’s image is a micrograph of the brain vasculature of a zebrafish larva.