Approximately 100 attendees, comprised of direct family caregivers and volunteers, and about half professional caregivers, were on hand to hear Kevin Look, assistant professor in the Social & Administrative Sciences Division, present at the 2016 …
Kwon’s startup company advances three-in-one cancer drug
Glen Kwon, professor, in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, co-founder and chief scientific officer of Co-D Therapeutics, a University of Wisconsin–Madison spinoff, is developing a three-drug cocktail to battle a wide range of cancers.
High school students get a first-hand look at pharmacy
This summer 20 Madison area high school students from the Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID)/Teens of Promise (TOPS) program had an opportunity to explore careers in pharmacy.
Vardeny’s vaccine trial garners $21 million grant from the NIH
Orly Vardeny, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, is co-principal investigator for a flu vaccine trial that will test a high dose for heart patients. Vardeny and co-principal investigator Scott Solomon, a cardiologist …
Kelly brings healthcare industry expertise to professional development
The Division of Pharmacy Professional Development (DPPD) welcomes Brett Kelly as a clinical assistant professor. Mr. Kelly is a former healthcare consultant specializing in Healthcare Exchange activities and assisting companies to maximize revenues within federal …
School garners multi-discipline representation at global social pharmacy conference
Faculty and an alumnus from the Social and Administrative and Pharmacy Practice areas contributed expertise at the International Social Pharmacy Workshop 2016 (ISPW2016).
Golden project selected for UW2020 Award
An innovative research proposal from Jennifer Golden, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division and Associate Director, Medicinal Chemistry Center, was among a topnotch group of faculty to receive the UW2020: WARF Discovery Initiative Award. …
Li among campus researchers to establish new center
Together with Josh Coon and Dave Pagliarini, Lingjun Li, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, have just received a $5.6M NIH P41 center grant to establish a National Center for Quantitative Biology of Complex Systems …
Vivian named to health center board
Eva Vivian, professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, was appointed to serve as secretary of the Executive Committee which leads the Access Community Health Centers Board of Directors. Typically, the Secretary succeeds to Vice …
Kolesar selected as president elect of national pharmacy organization
Jill Kolesar, professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, has been selected as president-elect of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP).