Pharmacy practice faculty, the Director of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, and PharmD students were among several from the School who contributed expertise through presentations, roundtable discussions, leading special interest groups, or …
State’s first charitable pharmacy receives partnership award
The St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Charitable Pharmacy in Madison is among seven collaborations honored with a 2017 Community-University Partnership Award.
Walbrandt Pigarelli elected to statewide diabetes group
Denise Walbrandt Pigarelli, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, has been elected Vice-Chairman of the Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group (DAG).
Yu receives funding to further solids research
Public and private funds will further the research efforts of Lian Yu, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division. These new projects range from the diversity of crystal forms, to the development of a nano-coating technology
Students recognize teaching excellence
Each spring students select a teacher of the year from each PharmD cohort year, Pharmacology & Toxicology program, and the Student Senate Teaching Excellence Award. The recipients for 2016-2017 and the event they were recognized …
Vivian launches new program with support of Baldwin mini-grant
The health of African American (AA) women is the focus of Peers Empowering Peers (PEP) a new program created by Eva Vivian, professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division is one of 18 projects to …
Two-pronged research is more than skin deep
For Jun Dai, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, her early research in cell biology laid the groundwork and proved pivotal for the transition and current focus on skin diseases.
Hong is co-Investigator for new R01 grant
Seungpyo Hong, professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, is among four researchers from the University of Illinois Chicago on a newly funded R01 grant from the NIH/NIAMS for the project “Non-covalent Nrf2 Activators for the …
Repurposing of older antibiotics is aim of five year NIH grant
Warren Rose, associate professor (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, is the principal investigator of new $2.1 million R01 research grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases …
Enzyme research is groundbreaking first step in therapeutic targeting of diseases
The research of Jiaoyang Jiang, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, was published in the April edition of Nature Structure & Molecular Biology, with a follow-up comment in the May issue.