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University of Wisconsin-Madison

Photo Gallery: School of Pharmacy Class of 1967 Reunion


The School of Pharmacy Class of ’67 celebrated their 50-year reunion during the UWMadison Homecoming weekend on October 12 at the Memorial Union. The 50th reunion event on campus helped alumni reconnect with dear friends and former classmates.

The School of Pharmacy alumni also are part of the UWMadison 1967 class gift made toward the Gold Star Honor Roll at Memorial Union, which tells the stories of alumni veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  

Photos by Bruce Fritz

The School of Pharmacy Class of 1967 alumni. Bottom row: Evelyn Bluhm, Ted Collins, Kay Zabka, Thomas Thielke, Bill Zellmer, Jerry Sveum. Second row: Beverly Schulz, Gary Schulz, Bill Devine, David Henning, John Baldwin, Marianne Ivey, Dale Pracht. Top row: William Dernbach, Bob Blint, Joe Mastalski, Judy Thompson, Ron Borchardt, Bill Emmons, Al Shumaker, Romaine Ellingson.