Student Senate Chairperson, Daniel Bruckbauer, DPH-4, (left) presents Edward Portillo, assistant faculty associate in the Pharmacy Practice and Translational Research Division, with the 2016-2017 Student Senate Teaching Excellence Award.
Each spring students select a teacher of the year from each PharmD cohort year, Pharmacology & Toxicology program, and the Student Senate Teaching Excellence Award. The recipients for 2016-2017 and the event they were recognized at included:
- Student Senate Teaching Excellence Award: Edward Portillo, assistant faculty associate, Pharmacy Practice Division; 67th Annual Kremers Lecture
- Third Year Pharmacy Program: Edward Portillo, assistant faculty associate, Pharmacy Practice Division; DPH-3 Pinning Ceremony
- Second Year Pharmacy Program: Karen J. Kopacek, professor (CHS), Pharmacy Practice Division; DPH-2 Philanthropy Celebration
- First Year Pharmacy Program: Jason Kwan, assistant professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division; 2017 White Coat Ceremony
- Pharmacology & Toxicology Excellence in Teaching Award: Jeffrey A. Johnson, professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division; 2017 Pharmacology & Toxicology Breakfast