Alumni Snapshot – January 2017

Ryan Miller
Ryan Miller, PAA President

The holidays have come and gone and now it’s time to kick off a new year! Your Pharmacy Alumni Association is looking forward to serving you in 2017 by offering opportunities to re-connect with the school of pharmacy, your former classmates, and the students who are soon-to-be alumni. Planning is underway for our annual golf outing to be held at University Ridge in Madison on Friday, June 16, 2017. Mark your calendars, get your team together, and plan to have a great day reconnecting with your colleagues and meeting students all while raising funds for scholarships that directly support students.

The PAA Board is also expanding after Bylaw changes were approved this past summer. We’re pleased to welcome Anthony Knutson as our student board representative and Kim Lintner, PharmD as our newest Board Member. The PAA is exploring ways to increase opportunities for students and alumni to forge relationships to foster life-long engagement with each other and the school of pharmacy. Does this sound like something you would like to be part of? If so, please submit your interest to me as the board will be entertaining nominations for elections to take place at the end of the summer in the coming months!

On behalf of the Alumni Association, I wish you all the best in starting your new year off on the right foot. Hopefully, you’re successful with any resolutions you’ve made for yourself, your family, your businesses, or in whatever other venture you’re planning.

Take care of yourself in the New Year, (most importantly) stay warm, and On Wisconsin!

Ryan Miller
PAA President