Orly Vardeny, John Dopp, assistant professors (CHS), and Jill Kolesar, associate professor (CHS) and Director of the 3P Analytical Instrumentation Laboratory, UWCCC, all authored chapters in the “Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice” book. The textbook received the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Distinguished 2008 Medical Book Healthcare Professionals Award.
Mary Hayney, associate professor of pharmacy (CHS) in the Pharmacy Practice Division, Lee Vermeulen, clinical associate professor of pharmacy in the Pharmacy Practice Division and Director for the Center of Drug Policy, and colleagues from the center for drug policy staff, served as chapter reviewers. In addition, Kolesar served as an editor of the book. The recipients will be recognized at the AMWA’s 68th Annual Conference in Louisville, Kentucky October 23-25, 2008.